Millionaires Business Mentor

67 Coaches this year! Launch April 30th, 2022

90 Day Immersion Train The Trainer Coach Program

By Christine Blackledge Crowle

Launch April 30th, 2022

Only £14,997

Hello, I am Christine Blackledge Crowle

I will teach you my signature process for creating more joy and less suffering in your coaching business so you have more time and energy to live your life.

I have been a business Mentor for 10 years now, and been in healthcare for 30 years. Setup and ran my own healthcare business for 20 years. Then decided to help healthcare business owners do the same in the shortest time possible. I have been a Mentor/Coach for 10 years and I am proud to say that I have worked hard to get to where I am today. I want to share my success with other women coaches, who are willing to learn and implement my strategies.

If this is you, read on.

You have tried multiple coaching programs that have created some results in your life. But you are not feeling fulfilled and lacking that 1:1 support from a mentor in your life. The mentor that will support and lead you for 12 months, rather than just sending you a link to a series of videos.

This training is live with other coaches, and mentors to provide you with the systems blueprint formula to six-seven figures. You may be craving secretly the expert attention of a mentor to release your full potential and belong to a like-minded coaches group, with proven strategies.


This training is live with other coaches, and mentors to provide you with the systems blueprint formula to six-seven figures. You may be craving secretly the expert attention of a mentor to release your full potential and belong to a like-minded coaches group, with proven strategies.

You may be feeling undervalued right now, together with not being able to earn your worth as a coach. Or how do you learn about something you have not coached before.

Following our training live and our systems, you will be trained by Christine CEO Mentor on the healthcare Boutique Business Coach Blueprint formula on how to coach, listen and attend live training and our bootcamp summit and take flight of your own destination.

Have you been wondering if you are good enough to be a coach?

Offering free coaching or working for less than £100 per hour?

Not speaking the truth to clients, afraid of causing offense?

Have you allowed clients to lead the meeting, and left feeling it was of no value?

Worried you won’t make the results for your clients?

Working at any time of the day just to please the client?


Just like you, when I first started my coaching business I was overwhelmed with self-doubt and uncertainty. I would take one step forward and two steps back. I was constantly questioning whether or not I could really help someone get results. The thought, "Am I a good coach" was like a broken record playing in my mind. I was exhausting myself and leaking energy. I knew in my heart and soul this was the work I was put on this planet to be doing - but the fear of not getting it right was holding me back. It took me getting some hardcore coaching and breaking free from default subconscious programming to fully embody my gifts.

Therefore, I was able to ensure I was able to meet and overcome the above scenarios and built multiple healthcare businesses. Spending 20 years of my life, understanding the ins and outs of this industry and setting up and running multiple healthcare businesses. Coming from a training background as a college lecturer on healthcare standards. Lecturing at Colleges, NHS hospitals, and residential care homes for the elderly. I had a taste to train staff in the healthcare industry market, this is where my journey began as a mentor/coach.

So be rest assured, you will learn what took me 30 years in a matter of 12 months maximum.

I’M Here To Help You Embody Unshakable Confidence So Your Energy Becomes A Magnetic Match For Your Ideal Clients.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have the following happen with your coaching clients?

Every time you got on a call with a client you felt certain you could help this person achieve the results they want.

If you could feel confident and certain in yourself, and that our program is for you, stop second-guessing yourself.

In Just 90 Days, You Will Walk Away Knowing Exactly How To Elevate Your Skills As A Coach So You Are Getting Raving Testimonials From Your Clients

30 Days Help Videos Online/Post

DAY 1:

Who am I

Author, Educator, Mother of Four, Grandmother


I am a Matriarch, a leader in building a healthcare business boutique brand in course creation & mentorship. I am a creative and energetic female, who is passionate about serving and empowering women in business. I am so grateful that I have been able to serve entrepreneurs, through coaching. I am a global brand; therefore, we are looking to grow our brand and are looking to mentor coaches to provide the Healthcare Boutique Brand with a team of multidisciplinary creative coaches. We are looking for coaches, who are wanting to have more time doing what they love to do. Spending more time with family, friends, and social time to live life by design. I help you to attract more premium clients and to see that you are nourished and feel worthy.

I am looking for dynamic energy women coaches, who are passionate about what they do and how to serve entrepreneurs, without working yourself to the ground. You can work part-time, say 25 hours a week, with exhaustion and feeling unworthy. We work with premium clients, who we can pay for our services, helping them to have success. I have been able to live in the country of my dreams in Cyprus. I decided to take time and respect my time and appreciate who I am and what I have achieved each day. I love what I do, and want you to feel the same, inclusion, compassion, empathy. I want to elevate all women coaches, to achieve the life of their dreams.

Are you ready to say goodbye to what’s no longer serving you?

To raise your levels of standards, increase your awareness of self-worth. I understand how you must be feeling right now.

You are not alone, you don’t have to figure things out on your own anymore,

I am here to help you. Rise like the divine queen you are destined to be, you deserve masterful coaching to create major shifts in your life and those you serve. Getting your money flowing and living your life on purpose, with purpose again!

I have the solution for you to be able to build your wealth, by branding your own coaching program.

This program is for Coaches only. Who wants to help serve people and make a six – seven-figure coaching business.

I can’t be everywhere and therefore looking for 67 business coaches around the world to be able to coach the programs that I have taught thousands of entrepreneurs around the world. We are looking at coaches to learn from a multidisciplinary creative industry.

Prices range from our low ticket offer from £17.00 – High Ticket offer Service £40,000.00.

We offer you to make 6-7 Figures in your coaching business.

Our prices start from £14,997 Six-Figure Coach, and to Seven Figure Coach for £30,000.

Why Should You Join Me?

I am Mentors that have already succeeded in life and want to help others improve their goal- setting skills, provide responses or advice as required, understand life's challenges and possibilities, and therefore look to do a business collaboration with other coaches.


What You Will Receive Once Joined This Program:

You’ll receive an extensive Welcome Packet asking detailed questions about your desires, challenges, and the outcomes you’re looking to achieve. I will be there for you and you will be confident knowing:

The Outcome

The course will enable coaches to provide a six- seven-figure business.

Quantum leap the life and dreams living anywhere in the world you choose. Like me living in beautiful Mediterranean Cyprus, enjoying the beautiful sun, sea, beaches, and lifestyle of my dreams.


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